About Us

Fly Cup Enterprises is a multi-faceted Scottish charity and social enterprise established in 2000 to provide opportunities for adults with learning disabilities, differences and difficulties (trainees) within the catering industry.

Based in Inverurie, Fly Cup has helped dozens of young adults with learning disabilities find their way into the challenging world of employment. Trainees are supported within a bakery, kitchen, coffee shop, meeting and conference venue and office environment allowing them to develop and learn a variety of skills as well as increasing their confidence and self-esteem.

About Us

Learning Disabilities

The term learning disability refers to a group of disorders which affect a broad range of academic and functional skills including the ability to speak, listen, read, write, spell and organise information.

Training Qualifications

We are an accredited learning centre currently providing training opportunities for trainees working towards ASDAN Personal and Social Development Awards and now SQA Scottish Vocational Qualifications in Professional Cookery and Hospitality Service.

The term learning disability refers to a group of disorders which affect a broad range of academic and functional skills including the ability to speak, listen, read, write, spell and organise information.

Established in 2000, Fly Cup has helped dozens of young adults with learning disabilities find their way into the challenging world of employment. Trainees are supported within a bakery, kitchen, coffee shop, meeting and conference venue and office environment allowing them to develop and learn a variety of skills as well as increasing their confidence and self -esteem.

Each trainee has a personalised training plan which is specifically tailored to their individual needs, delivered in a secure and supported environment. Trainees are able to work towards and achieve these nationally recognised qualifications.

Work Experience

Trainees gain experience through a diverse range of activities:

  • Cooking/baking
  • Customer service/hospitality in the coffee shop and meeting and conference venue
  • Admin/office skills
  • General domestic duties (hoovering, cleaning, ironing and washing)
  • Delivery of the external catering service
  • Events and pop-up shops

Work Placements

We work closely with other catering establishments in the area in the development of temporary work placements for the trainees.

Discover Fly Cup Enterprises